Waking the World: Classic Tales of Women and the Heroic Feminine 

by A. B. Chinen, MD, 1996

This is a collection of 12 "fairy tales" featuring women (not girls), along with detailed psychological explanations. Many of these stories have different versions throughout the world; the author has chosen the more exotic variants. All are fine stories, and totally outside the standard male heroquest (Hero with a Thousand Faces).

I prefer the approach of Fearless Girls, Wise Women, and Beloved Sisters, which packs in a lot more stories. But the analyses do show how the stories can be tools for women to deal with the pressures of modern lives, and illustrate their archetypal nature with dreams of modern women. In a few cases the author mentions paintings which portray the same theme, but sadly there are no illustrations.

Still, a fine set of stories featuring resourceful women, with thought-provoking analysis. 

Posted: Fri - November 28, 2003 at 10:47 AM          
